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What we do?
About Us

What We Do?

What We Do?

China is a key global actor and a leading economic and technological power. China’s increasing relevance in the geopolitical system, its various specificities, complexities, and goals as well as its rapid evolution and new policy directions pose challenge to the EU’s capacity to better understand contemporary China. Besides, the EU needs to get to know and understand China on its own terms: not through the lens of other external sources but from its own European perspective.

However, the European level expertise on contemporary China is often fragmented and difficult to access. In this regard, it is essential to connect established and emerging knowledge nodes as well as gathering, categorising, and mainstreaming their work on a publicly accessible platform. This approach will break down siloes and provide policy-makers, researchers, businesses, and civil society with the necessary knowledge to develop a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects that define contemporary China.

To address these challenges, EuroHub4Sino is funded by the European Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission, through a 3-years Horizon Europe grant.

Find more information about the consortium, project and funding details on the project factsheet.

EuroHub4Sino Objectives

Develop an enhanced digital platform

EuroHub4Sino will develop an enhanced digital platform to support European China experts’ research, collaboration and communication activities.

Establish an inclusive and engaging Network

EuroHub4Sino will establish an independent European network of China experts and stakeholders, including China researchers as well as EU & MS officials, businesspeople, journalists and CSO representatives.

Policy Research & Analysis

EuroHub4Sino consortium, together with its network, will provide independent European policy research and analysis to the EU & MS officials, China researchers and to the stakeholders (businesspeople, journalists, representatives of CSOs) as well as the wider civil society in order to mainstream the created knowledge.

Achieve an Innovative and Sustainable Business Model

The sustainable business model (KER4) requires interdependent key exploitable results: The inclusive and diverse network (KER2) of independent European China experts will make the most of the EH4S platform (KER1) for collaborative (policy) research and activities (KER3).

Funded by

The project “European Hub for Contemporary China (EuroHub4Sino)” has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101131737.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.